Monday 2 June 2014

Writing 101, Day1

This is just what I needed. I have had these crazy ideas floating in my brain that I wanted to speak about, but couldn't find any listener.I have been thinking about the difference in  living conditions between today's world and our ancestors. What strikes me most is the difference in hardship between these two times. Back to 200 years, people were contented with whatever they had. If you had basic necessities fulfilled, you were very happy. Now people have so many luxuries, I wonder whether we really have any problems. Our ancestors knew the worth of a slice of bread, or of a glass of milk. I wonder how many of us really bother about these things. When I read the biography of Vincent Van Gogh, I thought hardship is the prerequisite for genius. Whenever I watch any serial or a movie of the past century, I find that people have grown indifferent now. They don't care about the other person. I think time changes everything, but does it do it for better or worse I would like to know.